Doodling Workshop With the Chinese American Museum

Had the lovely pleasure of leading a virtual live doodle workshop with the Chinese American Museum- for those who missed it- it’s now available to watch on Youtube!

Hoping I have more opportunity and chances to lead these doodle workshop because it’s always super fun and such a meditative/relaxing activity for myself and hopefully the participants as well.

Doodle created from the workshop!

Doodle created from the workshop!

Side note: I also created the marketing material assets for these!

Side note: I also created the marketing material assets for these!


Featured on SkillShare (Staff Pick Class)

Face filter Class on SkillShare selected as a Staff Pick class AND featured on the main page, illustration page, twitter, instagram and newsletter. As well as in their curated playlist to celebrate APIHM. On top of that I had the opportunity to partner with SkillShare to do this!

Link for free 14 day trial to my class:

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