Midjourney Illustration

I’ve been the designated AI gal for/at work. This is an illustration that was prompted via Midjourney, this image took est. 20 min to generate and some touch ups were made in photoshop. Absolutely mindblown... (Top image untouched, final image shown as the podcast tile.)

Pumpkin Carving

One of my friend Gerard and his gf Shirley hosted a pumpkin carving day!

Grand Park Easy Mornings: NEA Big Read Workshop Lead

Workshop lead for a kid friendly scratch art activity, an activity that celebrates Chinese culture.

Representing the Chinese American Museum for NEA Big Read. (Spotlighting the book: titles are “Interior Chinatown”, by Charles Yu, and “American Born Chinese”, by Gene Lueng Yang.

AIGA Aggies_Women in Design

In celebration of Women History Month, I was invited by AIGA Aggies (North Carolina A&T State University) to take part in a virtual women in design panel. Had the lovely opportunity to share my experience with AIGA members there.

Chinese American Museum: Family Day (Anna May Wong) Workshop Lead

Led a crafts workshop with the help of volunteers! A family day event at the Chinese American Museum in celebration of Anna May Wong as the 1st Asian American Women on the quarter. This day felt sooo busy and I didn't even get any photos (these are all from the Chinese American Museum.) Led a kid friendly activity that involved creating an embossed foil art with Anna May Wong templates and of course the opportunity to insert a bit of creativity as well.

Loved chatting with the folks at CAM as always and esp loved chatting with the folks from the Smithsonian. (Found out so much more about the process of the selection of the coins and how they played a role in consulting-v neat)

Doodling Workshop With the Chinese American Museum

Had the lovely pleasure of leading a virtual live doodle workshop with the Chinese American Museum- for those who missed it- it’s now available to watch on Youtube!

Hoping I have more opportunity and chances to lead these doodle workshop because it’s always super fun and such a meditative/relaxing activity for myself and hopefully the participants as well.

Doodle created from the workshop!

Doodle created from the workshop!

Side note: I also created the marketing material assets for these!

Side note: I also created the marketing material assets for these!


Featured on SkillShare (Staff Pick Class)

Face filter Class on SkillShare selected as a Staff Pick class AND featured on the main page, illustration page, twitter, instagram and newsletter. As well as in their curated playlist to celebrate APIHM. On top of that I had the opportunity to partner with SkillShare to do this!

Link for free 14 day trial to my class: https://skl.sh/3kt9ylP

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Noticed some of my gifs on the trending page of GIPHY within IG story’s search function. So naturally I wanted to check stats and what I first saw was 51.9M views and I was like “OMG this is so good!” Considering its just been 3 DAYS!!!

…But then later that night I wanted to show my parents so I went to pull up the stats and !!! this is what I saw…

Note: search up “LIUCID” to find and use these gifs.

My Creative Journey | From LOSER to LUCID | Hosted by ACC

I did a talk regarding creative journey and tips related and it's out on youtube now! I'll add that this might be silly but baby me feels very proud of myself because presenting has always felt out of my comfort zone. I'm use to being quiet but despite and with the nervousness, I did it!!! ✨🌈✨

ACC actually found me thru my youtube videos and when they invited me to give a talk- I was so hesitant because I was scared, but that feeling of fear- made me lean into it. Quick takeaway from that: 1) even if you feel like what you're putting out doesn't matter- you never know who's watching. 2) LEAN INTO YOUR FEARS- it’s never as scary as you thought

And on a last note: if you're curious about my journey, if you're on a creative journey on your own, if you like stories and/or tips- this is for you: