Monday: “All reality is interaction.” Rovelli, author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, says we understand the world by it’s happening, not it’s things. It’s relations. Interesting tidbit: He also speaks of context regarding a quote from Einstein relating to time.
Tuesday: Can reality TV influence actual reality? In a world that sees the very act of singing as dangerous. Regarding the UN-backed reality show “Inspire Somalia” and it’s outcome.
Wednesday: On black bears, and a town in Minnesota (Eagle’s Nest Township) Divided upon whether or not the bears are dangerous, leading to a death.
Thursday: 2 main stories, one of a woman sniffing what her dog sniffed to break her way of perceiving reality. Another of a guy who creates a randomizer app to break his routine and his reality bubble. Super epic.
Friday: Reality is what you make it, Dan Heath talks about creating life-changing moments. Among some interesting example: a hotel that creates experiences, and Joshie the Giraffe.